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Social media

Social media is one of the most frequently chosen marketing tools.

Their popularity is not only due to availability and flexibility, but also to great effectiveness while maintaining relatively low costs of promotional activities. The MDA agency knows how to use this potential. Below we present the process that guarantees success in the field of social media.


We will start our cooperation by getting to know the company, so we are interested in literally everything! The company's position in the industry, environment, competition, products and services, target groups as well as budget and future plans - this knowledge is necessary for us. Based on it, we will build a strong action strategy, and the collected data allows us to take the next step, which is the strategy.


In consultation with you, a social media presence strategy will be created, consistent with the general direction of the company's development. Thanks to it you will learn:

  • Why is it worth using this form of communication? …and what to do there – sell, inform, serve, create an image? The strategic document includes a clear division of roles and assigns tasks to you and the agency, because only cooperation leads to success.
  • What promotion channels will be the best? Facebook is certainly one of the most famous media outlets, but it is not the only tool. Maybe Instagram or LinkedIn will be a better solution? We will select the appropriate platform, answer any questions, dispel doubts and analyze what will be the most effective solution for you - we approach each client individually.
  • How do we operate? We evaluate planned activities in detail within the allocated budget. All this to achieve the intended, previously determined goal. We determine the degree of implementation of the assumptions using available analytical tools. We also use them to manage potentially crisis situations.

Creation and implementation

We will take care of the company's good name - we prepare its profiles from scratch on selected social channels and integrate them with the official website.

We conduct comprehensive communication based on established principles. We take care of its visual and verbal layers, in accordance with the art of design and copywriting. We will also constantly build community involvement, e.g. by participating in discussions, commenting, asking questions - this will allow us to gain sympathy from the recipients and build attachment. We answer questions and dispel doubts. We provide the latest technological solutions to make interaction with your brand a valuable experience.

Monitoring and reporting

We understand that results count, which is why we monitor and report our activities. Thanks to this, we know which of our activities are the most effective, which directions bring the most benefits, but also what needs to be improved. In a word, we come full circle and return to the analysis, which was the first stage of our activities. We present the conclusions drawn to you in the form of clear periodic reports, and we implement the developed solutions.

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