Żryj Zdrowo Catering

Your diet
delivered to your home

Eat and live healthy!

The advantage of catering from Żryj Zdrowo is perfectly balanced meals, adapted to the daily routine and needs of each customer.

The offer includes diets with various calorie levels, arranged according to the type of activity and dietary preferences.

View the website online

Dietary catering in a new version

Żryj Zdrowo trusted us and entrusted us with the creation of a new website with a modern layout. We, however, have made every effort to meet the customer's expectations. And this is how a creation was created that provides the necessary information regarding the catering offer and nutritional plans.

Professional service in every aspect. Working with MDA is pure pleasure. Professional advice, knowledge of the latest trends in the world of e-commerce, innovative solutions tailored to our needs and high quality graphics. The website we created receives only positive opinions from our customers. We recommend it 100% with full recommendation!

Ada Mójta i Ania Zientalska
Żryj Zdrowo Catering

Żryj Zdrowo, it's not just a diet, it's health!

We assumed that our project would emphasize the uniqueness of catering as much as possible. Therefore, in the creation process we focused on two elements:

  • Naturalness and modernity We made sure that the website was modern and its style emphasized the high quality and naturalness of the ingredients used in the diet.
  • Intuitive solution We have created an easy-to-use tool for users, which is a diet calculator. From now on, he can calculate his daily calorie requirement in two simple steps.

A lifestyle website.

When designing the website, we were guided by the founders' motto, which says: "You are what you eat." We also wanted to show that healthy eating should become a way of life.

Thanks to the use of numerous graphic elements, we managed to achieve the intended effect, and our client can enjoy a beautiful virtual business card.

We focused on diverse views

The Żryj zdrowo website has been divided into many different sections, and each of them contains an individual composition of content.

Customer information package

Our project has been prepared to provide as much necessary information as possible in an accessible way. Sections on the home page allow the user to navigate through it intuitively. The solutions used allow you to save time and choose precisely what the user is looking for. We have highlighted two key elements:

Diet calculator

This is the first stage, which allows you to determine your caloric demand in two steps. The simplicity of this tool encourages anyone to use it.

Panel with diet configurator

This is the second stage at which you should define your preferences and the goal to be achieved. The tool allows you to transparently place an order for the selected catering.

Choose what's best for you - the offer page

A slider with a short teaser about diets allows the user to quickly and easily determine what they really need and what diet will be right for them.

Section about us, i.e. our philosophy of operation

The website also includes a section rich in photos and descriptions intended to present the Żryj Zdrowo Catering team, which is responsible for creating the diet and preparing meals.

The final result

Thanks to joint work with the client, today we can admire the effects of the new website. We are proud that we have contributed to promoting healthy eating.

Technologies used

The Żryj Zdrowo Catering website was created based on the reliable WordPress system we recommend.

It worked great because we used it to program many views and subpages, while ensuring the transparency of the administration system. Thanks to this, our client can easily modify all content on his own.

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