An online bookstore

Readership in Poland decreases dramatically. According to the surveys, several dozen percent of Poles do not read at all. In such situation, a bookstore's future depends on a approaching the clients.

An online bookstore An online bookstore An online bookstore An online bookstore An online bookstore An online bookstore An online bookstore is bookstore of several decades tradition. Its has its roots in Główna Księgarnia Naukowa im. Bolesława Prusa, which was founded in 1952. It has just decided to face the modernity and refresh its online store. We started with preparing an appropriate logotype, fusing tradition and experience with modertnity. We also designed for our client a whole brand book.

We prepared the graphic projects, which set the layout of the new site and then we build the online shop from scratch. Its advantage is the possibility to update data on the site by the administrators based on API, integration with publishers and intuitiveness of the navigation for clients, who can get to the shopping bag in a few clicks. MDAsystems provides the shop with IT service. ‘Nowy Prus’ – big, eye-catching book covers, stylish sheriff fonts and modern-retro colour: black, grey and warm shades of amber.

The bookstore has over 150 thousand titles available in the online shop! It is a wide range of science and popular science books, belles-letres – Polish and foreign, art books, albums, multimedia publications and e-readers. There is also a well-stocked section of Polish and foreign magazines. Among the recipients, there are many libraries, scientific institutions, ministries and embassies.

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