

BoboVita, a leading manufacturer of porridges, lunch meals, soups, desserts, juices and teas, which will allow your child to grow healthily and discover a fascinating world of flavours.

BoboVita products enjoy great recognition and success among consumers, as evidenced by the numerous distinctions and awards the brand has won.

All products are created to provide the youngest with a well-balanced diet, which means that they provide the necessary nutrients in quantities and proportions appropriate to the child’s age.

There are no artificial flavours, colours or preservatives of any kind in them. The composition and use of all BoboVita products comply with the requirements of experts and the recommendations of the World Health Organisation and the European Union Food Commission.



Together with the Kid&Young Agency, we had the pleasure of creating a dedicated website for the BoboVita brand to support a consumer lottery.

For the purposes of the promotion, a website was built equipped with a dedicated database system allowing the lottery to be carried out from among consumer applications both via a website and SMS.

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