Atrem SA

Atrem SA

The Atrem Group is an engineering company from Wielkopolska, which carries out work related to industrial automation and electrical power engineering.

The company’s offer includes the creation and implementation of IT systems (including ‘intelligent building’ systems), comprehensive service for companies and institutions in the field of low-current technologies, design of systems with renewable energy sources, or cathodic protection.

Among the company’s existing customers are: EuRoPol, Budimeks and several of Poland’s largest energy groups. The brand’s reliability is also confirmed by numerous certificates and authorisations, of which Atrem has collected more than 20.

Since its inception, the company has grown steadily. However, the real dynamic growth occurred in 2008, when the Atrem Group made its debut on the Warsaw Stock Exchange. As a result, more companies joined the group, thus expanding the scope of the company’s activities.

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